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Brussels for Tintin - Fans

A round trip on Hergé's footsteps
Gare du Midi / Zuidstation Stockel / Stokkel

>> Deutsche Version

4. Stockel / Stokkel

The underground station "Stockel / Stokkel" is the terminus of Line 1 in the east of the city.
Construction started in march 1981. 1982 Hergé produced sketches for the murals that were installed by the Studio Hergé 1987/88, in parts by Bob de Moor, before the station went into operation in September 1988.

The mural consists of two 135 meter long reliefs with 140 figures.
The Metro made a book on this: "Tintin dans le metro" (STIB, 1990)

A visit there is a must for fans!

The right side (coming from the city):


Other side:


[ Externer Link: brusselspictures | skynet | bruxelles-tourisme ]

<<   Overview  
<<   1. Grand Place / Grote Markt  
<<   2. South Station and Flea Market  
<<   3. Parc, Ixelles and European Quarter  
  4. Stockel / Stokkel  
  5. Boitsfort / Bosvoorde  >>
  6. Uccle / Ukkel  >>
  7. Louvain-La-Neuve  >>


Text: Michael
Photos: Timic
The drawings from Hergé's pen shown on the photos are all copyright Hergé / Moulinsart 2009